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Le Camping Le Pré du Roi - Mailly le Château - Yonne

Accueil du lundi au dimanche de 07:30 à 11:30 et de 16:00 à 20:00


The natural setting...

Setting and environment.

The campsite is located in a green and shaded setting.
It is a paradise for families, hikers and fishermen.
It can be the starting point for many excursions: walks along the Yonne or the Canal du Nivernais.

Camping Le Pré du Roi** - MAILLY LE CHATEAU

Fisherman's paradise

Our village is fortunate to be crossed by the Yonne and the Nivernais canal.

These waters are full of fish (zander, pike, perch, catfish, and other predators, etc.)

Each year, our local association, the ASCMC, organizes a fishing competition which brings together dozens of participants.

Medieval Village

From the Auxerre road, Mailly-le-Château welcomes visitors from the overhang overlooking the Yonne. Mailly-le-Château was first an oppidum inhabited by Celts around the 6th century  century BC

  The XIIth-XIIIth  centuries are  however the best-known period of the Middle Ages  with regard to this village for which the river activity, in particular that of the floating of wood, constituted an important asset. 

Chateau médiéval de Mailly le Château..jpg

Saint Adrian Church

It is a relay church of the archdiocese of Sens-Auxerre , classified as historical monuments. It is in the ogival style of the  xiii  century, with three naves. 

Its originality lies above all in its facade  : medium device portal framed by two tops  foothills  supporting a  pinion  triangular. In the upper third, opens a gallery of four ogival arcades separated by fine columns (beginning of the  xiv  century) against which lean the statues of different characters. Some are meant to represent serfs, while the central work evokes the Countess Mahaut ( Countess of Nevers  and daughter of  Pierre de Courtenay ) who granted the postage charter in 1223

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